In today’s world of technology, facilities are automating various processes to enhance their efficiency and reliability. Machine tending is one process that has seen a radical change in technology adoption.


2023 - 03 - 21
The latest release of the brand new 4th generation Mech-Eye DEEP industrial 3D camera, available now, brings enhanced performance in 3D imaging and ambient light resistance.
2022 - 12 - 15
With the newest update to SDK 2.0, Mech-Eye industrial 3D cameras are fully compatible with GenICam 3.0 and GigE Vision 2.1, offering optimized and simplified use of third-party software.
2022 - 11 - 07
Like all products in the UR+ ecosystem, Mech-Mind's all-in-one AI + 3D vision solution has been extensively tested for compatibility and integration capabilities with Universal Robots cobots.
2022 - 10 - 12
In the past decades, fast-paced life has led to the rise of ″fast-moving consumer goods.″ This leaves a leading compound condiment manufacturer under heavy pressure—producing high-quality products at high volume while containing costs. To help this customer optimize manufacturing processes, ABB offered comprehensive automation solutions (depalletizing, palletizing, packaging, warehousing. etc.). During the depalletizing and palletizing processes, Mech-Mind's 3D vision system acted as the robot's eye, working with ABB robots to improve production efficiency.
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